240-393-4137 info@idcollins.com

Thank you for your interest in advertising in our email sequence. To advertise you will need to do the following:

  1. Complete the form
  2. Submit the information you want to promote. It should be no longer than 200 words. We will not run any ads that are larger than 200 words. Space will be provided in the form.
  3. Pay the $25 administration fee. Ads run every Wednesday. If you want your ad to run multiple week, you must pay $25 per week. If you want your ad to be first the cost is $15 extra. All ads are placed in order of first come, first placed and so on. Even if you pay the extra $15 fee, first paid will be placed first and so on.
    (There is no charge for the ad placement. This covers  setup cost only.)
  4. Submission Date: All ads must be paid for by the Thursday before the next Wednesday to run the following Wednesday.
  5. We only run 10 ads per Wednesday. If we meet the total number of ads by Thursday, your ad will run the following week.

Please call us with any questions.

Ad Placement Request

First Position Request $15 additional

4 + 5 =