240-393-4137 info@idcollins.com

One on One Coaching

The goal of one-on-one accountability coaching is to have someone in your life that will help you follow through with your good intentions by holding you accountable.  With the goal of turning  those intentions into the results you desire –

If you answer yes to anyone of the following, then you are a good candidate for one-on-one accountability coaching
I need:

  • More clarity, focus, and direction
  • Less procrastination and fewer stops
  • Achievement of results only dreamed possible
  • Increase in revenue from year to year
  • Better work life balance

Results to Expect

  • achieve your personal and professional goals within the time frame you establish
  • learn how to get extraordinary results by increasing your focus so that you take specific actions in conjunction with a proper structure
  • learn how to use ‘the magic of accountability’ to get rolling and continue the momentum in the future
  • think outside the box, coming up with new strategies to assist you in moving from where you are now to where you want to be.
  • great feeling of success and satisfaction

Good intentions don’t lead to good results without action.

How Does it Work?

  1. Your Accountability Coach meets with you on a regular basis to discuss the current professional and personal issues you wish, or have intended, to enhance.
  2. The one-on-one coaching partnership begins with two one-hour start-up sessions in which you evaluate where you are today in the specific areas of your business.
  3. Following that, you and your Coach will meet two times per month on the telephone. These calls will last 20-30 minutes.
  4. You will be enrolled in a “state-of-the-art” online coaching system which assist in the tracking and management of our coaching engagements on a weekly basis.
  5. We will review of the changes in strategies and clarify your current issues and goals to focus on between now and the next appointment
  6. You will be kept on the track which will result in constantly moving forward toward achieving your goals and objectives.

How to Get Started?

The investment in yourself  will help you can achieve your goals in the time-frames you establish.
The business service  is $175  or  $325 per month. The difference in price is the creation of an Internet presence and SEO service.

The base price of $175 per month includes 2 half hour sessions per month, access to the accountability software and email support.

Any administrative tasks are performed at $25 per hour and will be billed separately. (i.e. business set up, accounting set up, federal, state and local filings, registration with other business resources)

Get started with your personal one-on-one accountability coach today.

$175 per month Coaching Only option